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Don't Be Afraid of the Dark
A young girl sent to live with her father and his new girlfriend discovers creatures in her new home who want to claim her as one of their own.
Twice: The Extraordinary Life of Tsutomu Yamaguchi
Tsutomu Yamaguchi is a hibakusha. A survivor of both atomic bomb blasts in 1945. First at Hiroshima, then again at Nagasaki. Now nearing 90, Yamaguchi finally speaks out. Breaking taboos of shame and sorrow, he responds to a call to fight for a world without nuclear weapons by telling his story, so that no one else will ever have to tell one like it again. Twice reconstructs Yamaguchi’s experiences in 1945 Japan, interviews him on the after-effects of exposure and documents the last five years of the late-blooming activist’s life.
Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan
Rikuo Nura, is 3 parts human and a quarter Demon, lives in a house of spirits with his grandfather, The current clan head of the Nura youkai. Rikou is set to be the next clan head, despit the fact he dilikes his demon side. He soon come to terms with his demon blood and decides to take his position as young master of the Nura house. However there are those who will certainly not allow it to be easy.
Into Eternity: A Film for the Future
Every day, the world over, large amounts of high-level radioactive waste created by nuclear power plants is placed in interim storage, which is vulnerable to natural disasters, man-made disasters, and to societal changes. In Finland the world’s first permanent repository is being hewn out of solid rock – a huge system of underground tunnels - that must last 100,000 years as this is how long the waste remains hazardous.
The Fanatic Search 2 - A Girl Thing
The French director, Laurent Triay, tells us in this documentary the different stages that mark the lives of some of the best climbers in the world. Climbing fanatics, like Brooke Raboutu, nine, or the tireless Lynn Hill, fifty, will show us how their passion has evolved over the years and how they have had to combine their hobby with motherhood or studies. school. In seven chapters, the director approaches the human side of each of them and their sporting evolution in some of the best climbing routes in France and Spain.
Mario Lopez: Saved By the Baby
Mario Lopez: Saved By the Baby is an American reality television series on VH1 that debuted on November 1, 2010. The series chronicles the life of Mario Lopez and his girlfriend Courtney Mazza as they prepare for the arrival of their baby.
Vegetable Fairies: N.Y. Salad The Movie
Set in a kitchen in New York, the movie tells the fairy-tale story of the fun games and innocent adventures that cute vegetable fairies have every night.
Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore
The ongoing war between the canine and feline species is put on hold when they join forces to thwart a rogue cat spy with her own sinister plans for conquest.
The Woman Who Dreamed of a Man
A famous Danish artist and fashion photographer who leads an eventful life and is always travelling, meets a man who immediately awakens strong feelings in her. This unexpected encounter sparks a decisive turning point in her life and they begin a passionate relationship.
Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang
Nanny McPhee appears at the door of a harried young mother who is trying to run the family farm while her husband is away at war. But once she’s arrived, Nanny discovers that the children are fighting a war of their own against two spoiled city cousins who have just moved in. Relying on everything from a flying motorcycle and a statue that comes to life to a tree-climbing piglet and a baby elephant, Nanny uses her magic to teach her mischievous charges five new lessons.
Conversation With The Revolution گفتگو با انقلاب
The media images of the 1979 revolution are derived from a few sources that are repeatedly rearranged – and can reveal hidden stories and people. Safarian takes a personal look at the events, their cinematic presentation, and the concept of revolution in general: his work coincided with the “Arab Spring” in Egypt and Tunisia. Safarian recognized the same gestures, behavior, and signs: “Crowds fill the streets, burning tires, cars, and buildings; fists, slogans, guns: This is nothing more than a revolution that repeats itself over and over again.” “Conversations with the Revolution” sets out to fathom what the photos and films are really about, what they show exactly.
Sci Fi Science: Physics of the Impossible
Sci Fi Science: Physics of the Impossible is an American documentary television series on Science which first aired in the United States on December 1, 2009. The series is hosted by theoretical physicist Michio Kaku and is based on his book Physics of the Impossible. In each episode, Dr. Kaku addresses a technological concept from science fiction and designs his own theoretical version of the technology using currently-known science. He also visits scientists developing technology related to the episode's concept.
The Catherine Tate Show: Nan's Christmas Carol
It's Christmas Eve and Nan receives some unexpected visitors, in the form of Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future. In this comic retelling of Dickens' A Christmas Carol, Nan is shown the error of her ways, but is it too late for her to swap her Scrooge-like misery for some seasonal goodwill?
The True Story of Puss 'n Boots
A free adaptation of Charles Perrault's famous Puss'n Boots, "The True Story of Puss'n Boots" is a story for young and old for the first time on cinema screens.
Dark Shadows: The Haunting of Collinwood
Dark Shadows: The Haunting of Collinwood is a DVD compilation of episodes 639 to 694, key scenes from which have been edited together to form a three hour feature. It focuses on Quentin Collins' possession of David Collins & Amy Jennings.