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The Rose and the Thorn
Events occurred in Turkey in late seventies and early eighties.
The Tramp and the Dictator
A look at the parallel lives of Charlie Chaplin and Adolf Hitler and how they crossed with the creation of the film “The Great Dictator,” released in 1940.
The Wasp and the Queen
A gay man and a lesbian, both having reasons to try going straight, end up as a couple!
The Red and the Black
In 1827, Berthet, the son of a craftsman and a young seminarian, was tried and sentenced to death for murdering his former mistress, the wife of a noble who had hired him as tutor to his children.
The Prince and the Pauper
The story began in the 1860s in London, England. For as long as he could remember, twelve year old Tom Canty had dreamed of being a Prince. Whenever he was not begging for money for his cruel father, Tom played "being Prince" with his friends. Tom Canty and Prince Edward, the soon to be king, bear a striking resemblance to one another and decide to swap places. Unfortunately, the once innocent trick turns into a nightmare, and the Pauper and the Prince become desperate in their struggle to prove their real identity before it is too late and the Pauper is crowned King.
The Thief and the Cobbler
It is written among the limitless constellations of the celestial heavens, and in the depths of the emerald seas, and upon every grain of sand in the vast deserts, that the world which we see is an outward and visible dream, of an inward and invisible reality ... Once upon a time there was a golden city. In the center of the golden city, atop the tallest minaret, were three golden balls. The ancients had prophesied that if the three golden balls were ever taken away, harmony would yield to discord, and the city would fall to destruction and death. But... the mystics had also foretold that the city might be saved by the simplest soul with the smallest and simplest of things. In the city there dwelt a lowly shoemaker, who was known as Tack the Cobbler. Also in the city... existed a Thief, who shall be... nameless.
The Night and the Moment
The Night and the Moment is a 1995 erotic drama. A writer (Dafoe) is invited to the house of a noblewoman (Olin) who adores free-thinkers. He attempts to seduce her but she insists that he tell her of his past love exploits. While doing so, he takes her through his time in prison where he was unknowingly incarcerated in the cell beside hers.
The Pebble and the Penguin
A bashful bachelor penguin named Hubie, who's partial to a pretty female named Marina. Ancient penguin ritual dictates that males present a pebble to their intended, then mate for life. Hubie finds a spiffy stone, but before he can bestow it on Marina, dastardly rival Drake tosses him into the churning sea, and Hubie gets swept away.
The dancer and the jailer
A love story arises between the dancer (Aida Riad) and Corporal Hassan, who lives with her in the neighborhood of the castle on the roofs of a real estate and suffering from his wise friend for the multiplicity of women's relations ..
The Princess and the Goblin
The story is about the Princess Irene and a young warrior boy named Curty. Irene must use her magic power to fight off goblins and save the kingdom.
The Pit and the Pendulum
Set during the height of Spanish Inquisition. The beautiful and kind-hearted Maria is arrested as a witch when she inadvertently cries out in horror at the public whipping of a child. As Maria’s husband Antonio tries to save her, Torquemada, the Grand Inquisitor, determines to punish Maria with torture for the desire she inflames in him. Loosely based on Edgar Allen Poe's classic short story.
The Drayman and the King
Фильм-мюзикл по мотивам произведений Исаака Бабеля "Закат" и "Одесские рассказы". Молдаванка - легендарный район дореволюционной Одессы, суматошно-беззаботный мир, до краев полный по - южному яркой жизнь. Здесь обитает пестрый неунывающий люд, а также гордость Молдаванки - обаятельный бандит Беня Крик по прозвищу Король, сын биндюжника Менделя Крика. Вся эта история начинается, когда Мендель решил оставить семью и уйти к молодой красавице Маруське, продав свою знаменитую на всю Одессу конюшню…
The virgin and the pin
Director: George Tsolakos Scenario: Stamatis Filippoulis Stars: Stamatis Tzelepis Mary Venezi, Nikos Rizos (slaughtered), Mimis Theiopoulos Rita Tsakona Thanassis Nakopoulos Antonis Trikaminas
The Blade and the Silk
In a meeting in Thailand, it is decided that twenty tons of heroin to be smuggled to Iran and to be pushed in schools, universities, and even the frontline. While the shipment is being moved on Iranian roads, a detective is killed in Tehran. His successor tries to find the shipment with the help from an addicted inmate and his fiancée.
The City and the Dogs
Four angry cadets have formed an inner circle in an attempt to beat the system and ward off the boredom and stifling confinement of the military academy, set off a chain of events that starts with a theft and leads to murder.
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