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Confessions of a Queen
The King of Illyris marries a neighboring princess, who finds out he has a mistress, Sephora. Revolted, she turns to Prince Alexei for friendship. Turmoil increases as a revolution demands the abdication of the King and the Queen opposes this decision.
A Maid among Maids
Alice is engaged with Sven. She is interested in having fun and dancing, preferably with Faustino della Novarro. Sven gets upset by her behavior. They break the engagement. Alice finds work as a maid on a farm.
A Bill of Divorcement
Meg Fairfield secures a divorce from her husband Hilary, and is about to marry Gray Meredith when Hilary returns cured. Sydney, daughter of Hilary and Meg, is engaged to Kit Pumphrey, son of the parish rector who refuses to permit his son to marry Sydney when he learns her mother is divorced....
A Boarding House Scramble
Tom and Dick live at the same boarding house and are rivals for the hand of their landlady. One evening the crowd decided to play all of the old-fashioned games, and the antics that they go through will keep one in a constant fit of laughter. Tom is determined to make Dick look foolish, and vice versa, so they are continually in a scramble.
Almost a Wild Man
Rooly, Pooly and Dooly were "picture sandwiches," but hardly shining lights, even in that capacity. Consequently they were "canned" by the management. A brilliant idea; one would play the wild man in the village square, a real live show of their own. Rooly and Pooly then basked in the society of fair country belles, but Dooly at length was rescued by Miss Smart, looking for excitement. She was not disappointed.
A Six Cylinder Elopement
The old man had political ambitions and a beautiful daughter. He uttered no protest when a bright young lawyer captured the latter, but when the same individual landed the congressional nomination upon which the elder had confidently counted, there was trouble. Enraged at his defeat, the old man summarily broke the engagement and sent his daughter back to a boarding school.
A Ranch Widower's Daughters
Old Perkins, a ranchman, has a bevy of pretty daughters, ranging in age from five years up to twenty. Perkins will not permit any love making between the girls and the cowboys, the most ardent of whom is "Alkali" Ike. "Alkali" likes Jennie, and the other boys each have their individual sweetheart.
A Western Girl's Sacrifice
Young Harry Farman and Eloise Wendell are engaged to be married. Harry is a wealthy young fellow and Eloise is a society girl, and both find pleasure in their clubs and other such luxuries that the city affords the fashionable, wealthy set. Eloise, who has rode a hobby of philanthropy is engaged with her club and other clubs, who are holding a tag day, the funds to go to the children of the poor. Eloise, with another friend, invades a saloon in a fashionable hotel, and are invited to have a drink by two men seated at a table. Eloise, in fun, lifts the glass to her lips when Farman enters. The match is broken off and the next day Farman, with a friend, goes west.
A Message from Beyond
Brought up in the lap of luxury and indulged in extravagance, Jack Morrison is gradually led into a life of ease and idleness, from which his father tries to arouse and induce him to interest himself in the large steel business, of which he is the head. Jack refuses to go to work: his father disowns him and tells him to leave the house.
A Dog on Business
"Weary" William, who is hungry and obsessed with a desire to make some easy money, hits upon a really excellent idea. The inspiration comes when he finds a stray pup, which appears to be in about the same fix as he, hungry and homeless. "Weary" appropriates the dog and plans his campaign.
A Bar Room Scene
"Showing the wind-up of a political discussion. Dramatis personae: A Democrat, a Republican, a Bar Maid, and a Policeman."
I killed a Cyclist
A young boy throws an apple from his balcony. In mid air he realizes the apple will hit a cyclist below him. What will be the consequences?
Blue for a Boy
A married woman discovers her husband is having an affair with a male prostitute and wants to meet the lover to get answers. However, her plans are interrupted when she gets a heart-stopping call from the hospital — her husband had a stroke and is lying unconscious. The wife and the lover — who fell in love with the husband — both rush to the hospital, and the remainder of the film highlights the dynamic of the two grappling with their situation as they both wait for the husband to recover in the ICU.