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Mario Wallace Simonsen, Entre a Memória e a História
The documentary is an investigation into the life of Mario Wallace Simosen, a man who commanded conglomerates of several companies and was threatened during the Military Dictatorship, when his rights were revoked.
A Day in the Life of a Professional Wrestler
The Traveling Twosome, Louis and Char Magnifico, learn the ropes of professional wrestling from Traditional Championship Wrestling star, Alan Steel. After the training, they step in the ring for a mixed gender wrestling match you must see to believe. The documentary also includes an interview with Lynne Margulies - the late Andy Kaufman's girlfriend. It includes new footage of Kaufman from his wrestling career.
A Confederação: O Povo É Que Faz A História
In an imaginary future, Portugal consists of an association of states - North and South - with zones of specific influence. City under vigilance, Lisbon is inhabited by a repressed and militarized population. Maria and António stand out in this city and surrender themselves to a submersive love. 1978
A Bad Luck Guy in a Bad Luck Town
In the mean streets of the city, a gun for hire must uncover the truth behind a mysterious string of bad luck. But in a city where the only thing worse than asking questions is getting answers, will he survive long enough to turn his luck around? Sin City meets Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
Raising a School Shooter
As the disaster of yet another school shooting hits, some parents are faced with a brutal fact: their child was the one pulling the trigger. Jeff Williams is the father of Andy, who in 2001, at the age of 15, shot and killed two classmates and wounded 13 other students. Andy, 25 at the time of filming, is now serving life in prison. Clarence Elliot’s son Nicholas shot and killed his teacher and wounded another in 1988. He too is serving life in prison. Sue Klebold’s son Dylan was one of the two teenagers behind the Columbine High School massacre in 1999, one of the deadliest school shootings in history. Dylan ended the shooting by committing suicide. Through the three parents' deeply personal stories and raw, honest testimony, the film explores multiple themes that emerge from terrible tragedies - guilt, failure, responsibility, sorrow, friendship and love.
Projekt A - A Journey to Anarchist Projects in Europe
PROJEKT A is a documentary that resists the common clichés about anarchism to instead show anarchist ideas of a society in which no one shall have the power to control knowledge, natural resources, land, soil or other people. After inspiring over 25,000 German cinema-goers, this award-winning documentary about anarchism and anarchist projects in Europe is now available on VoD! “Projekt A stirs up the audience and is grippingly shot, getting close to the kinds of tenacious people who are so vital to change in our society.” (kinokino) “…a cinematic portrait, not of anarchy, but of anarchists. A story, not of possibilities, necessities or even failure, but a depiction of achievements, initiative, action, ideas, as well as success.” (kino-zeit.de) Audience Award Filmfest Munich
What a Difference a Day Made: Doris Day Superstar
A documentary about Doris Day and the question where she is today.
A Very Modern Dictator: A Profile of Slobodan Milosevic
An investigative report inside the realm, and inside the mind, of one of the most effective and brutal tyrants of the past 50 years: Slobodan Milosevic.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Bosco Hogan plays Joyce's alter-ego, Stephen Daedelus, growing up in Ireland in the early part of the 20th century, and at odds with the strictures of his Catholic home and family. The film charts his search for knowledge and understanding, during a decline in his family's circumstances, that leads him to revelations on the nature of art, beauty and politics. However his personal renaissance makes him feel unwelcome in his own country, and forces him to make a choice between exile as artist or staying and facing personal defeat.
A Time to Love and a Time to Die
A German soldier home on leave falls in love with a girl, then returns to World War II.
Guy Paul Morin : Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt
After DNA testing exonerated him of charges related to the murder of Christine Jessop, Guy Paul Morin sits down for an exclusive interview with Fifth Estate Host Linden MacIntyre. Morin was ecstatic with the outcome but believed the system failed him and that this type of miscarriage of justice could happen to anyone. With archival footage from our 1992 documentary Odd Man Out, Morin reflects on his case and his future after 10 years behind bars.
Y Journey: Stay Like a Local
Join twelve young men on a journey through six impressive stories based in tourist attractions in the eastern region of Thailand.