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Search results for A Madea Family Funeral

A Summer in Boujad
Seven years after the death of his mother, 13-year-old Karim has left Paris for Morocco with his father Messaoud, who has remarried and decided to return to his homeland. After a year at a French boarding school in Casablanca, Karim joins the newly blended family – including his new half-brother, stepmother and his father’s mother-in-law - for the summer in Boujad, a small town in central Morocco. Already muddled by the anxieties of adolescence, Karim struggles to understand their world and establish his place in a family of strangers. Meanwhile, his father - having discovered how little he really knows about Morocco after decades in France - is finding it difficult to adjust and even more challenging to relate to a boy beginning to show signs of rebellion. Their tumultuous relationship is at the heart of director Omar Mouldouira’s personal story, tenderly told, which encourages us to reflect on our own family bonds.
Aussie Kids A&E
Follow How do you care for your kids when your nearest neighbouring city is over 2000 kilometers away? Create one of the best children's hospitals in the world, where not only is the care state-of-the-art but the design has been carefully thought out to give both the children and their families a relaxing, experience while they seek the treatment they need. Perth Children's Hospital provides the colourful backdrop to the series while centre stage are the kids, their parents, the doctors and nurses – all playing a part amidst the ups and downs of life on the wards of this lively cutting-edge hospital.
Jasmine Is a Star
A determined 16-year-old with albinism makes it her mission to become a professional model in her hometown of Minneapolis, while attempting to go unnoticed in every other aspect of her teenage life.
Remains of a Nation
A Latina lesbian, colonel, a Midwestern private, and a Central American refugee, fight for their lives. Sheltering in an abandoned spa, they connect with each other and fearlessly face the onslaught of the oppressive Imperial forces.
Croatia: Defining a Nation
Croatia’s achievement in coming 3rd at the 1998 World Cup in France was staggering. A nation barely established took on and beat the world’s powerhouse nations, coming within a whisker of lifting the trophy. But, this is much more than just a story about a talented football team, it is the tale of a nation emerging from the wreckage of the Balkan war and the disintegration of Yugoslavia to stand proudly as an independent country on football’s grandest stage.
The Kitchen
The depressed Miguel hosts a dinner with a childhood friend, but is surprised by the presence of his ex, Leticia, who redefines the night by bringing up an old sexual memory.
The Fall
To overcome the fear of losing his ill and aging grandfather, a forensic photographer needs to discover the truth behind the alleged suicide of an elderly man.
A Film About Couples
When a couple of filmmakers decide to shoot a documentary about couples in love, problems and tensions between the two force them to question their own relationship and the meaning of cinema.
A Way Back Home
After receiving a terminal diagnosis, a man fakes an accident to spare his family’s grief and must deal with the fallout of his deception.
Seepers: A Love Story
In a world where fuel is scarce, savvy and ruthless entrepreneurs have resorted to abducting people to farm them for bio-gas. We follow the rivalry between two of these Seeper Farms and the strange love story that develops within.
Sandra Gets a Job
Doctor of Physics Sandra suddenly loses her job. Finding a new job seems easy at first glance, but it turns into various tragicomic challenges. Endless job interviews bring the former researcher together with all sorts of situations and new personalities.