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Search results for A Madea Family Funeral

A Free Soul
An alcoholic lawyer who successfully defended a notorious gambler on a murder charge objects when his free-spirited daughter becomes romantically involved with him.
A Lady's Morals
Romantic biography of Swedish opera singer Jenny Lind and her famous affairs.
A Dangerous Peach
Al is the assistant shipping clerk. He plants himself on top of a mass of crates and fishes valises up with a line attached to a rod and reel. He accidentally catches his boss and the latter runs him ragged before he escapes. Al discovers a crate marked for a Mrs. Wilson - a police dog from Germany. He opens the crate. The hound runs free. Al pursues.
A Sainted Devil
A nobleman seeks to rescue his bride, who has been kidnapped by his former lover and a bandit.
A Doll's House
Nora Helmer has years earlier committed a forgery in order to save the life of her authoritarian husband Torvald. Now she is being blackmailed.
A Modern Robinson
The Silfverdahl sisters goes sailing. One of them married, the other one, Brita, not. After a short journey Brita's sweetheart Einar secretly climbs aboard. Agathon, her prospective husband, get seasick and choose to leave the party.
A Lonely Woman
Professor Bjørn has spent years and months developing a serum against cancer. When he finally succeeds, he pays for it with his life – the professor’s assistant Jakobsen kills Bjørn to get hold of the valuable formula. The hunt then moves onto the professor’s daughter Rosa, who is the only one left who knows how to develop the serum. When she suffers amnesia in connection with an accident, the recipe seems to have been lost. However, Rosa’s subconscious mind hides more secrets than she realises herself. (Stumfilm.dk)
A Homeless Bird
Musical Magda has three suitors – the insidious bank clerk Hilmer, the kind-hearted Dr. Dyring and the nice supreme court attorney Hatting. Much to Dyring’s annoyance, Hatting is the first to pluck up the courage and propose, and Magda soon becomes Mrs. Hatting. After a few years, she becomes bored of the marriage and decides to leave her husband, children and home in favour of the dishonest Hilmer. However, it doesn’t take long before she takes off her rose-tinted glasses and sees Hilmer for who he really is. (Stumfilm.dk)
A Fatal Lie
Doctor Willy Prager’s long, selfless office hours come at the expense of his attention-seeking fiancée. During a garden party, Willy is summoned to an ill child’s bedside and leaves his fiancée Erna in the hands of his faithful friend Alfred. Out of sheer boredom, Erna tries to kiss Alfred, but the loyal friend rejects her. Erna feels devastated and lies to Willy that it was Alfred who tried to seduce her. However, Alfred refuses to tarnish Erna’s honour and tacitly accepts when Willy challenges him to a duel. (Stumfilm.dk)
A Father’s Vengeance
A squire strangles a girl and throws her in a river, and is shot by her father.
A Primeira Música
A 25-year-old young man who lives in the middle of rice plantations divides his time between exhausting work in the fields and the rigorous study of classical music. Déia, his transverse flute teacher, encourages him to participate in an important music festival that revolves around the 150th anniversary of "Carmen", an opera by French composer Georges Bizet. The desire to leave the countryside and participate in the festival makes the young man have family conflicts.