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A Mighty Heart
Based on Mariane Pearl's account of the terrifying and unforgettable story of her husband, Wall Street Journal reporter Danny Pearl's life and death.
Barcelona (A Map)
Six characters, contemporary archetypes of urban solitude, meet in an old apartment located in the city centre of Barcelona. An elderly married couple, her brother and three tenants: a blonde woman who gives French classes, a young security guard, an ex-football player and a young, pregnant South American girl. The old man, who was formerly a doorman at the opera and who likes to dress up in women's clothes, gets them all together and asks them to leave as he is going to die and wants to be alone for the last stage of his life. In this flat, incest, homosexuality and adultery are intertwined in the life of these characters whilst we simultaneously witness the passing of time in this Mediterranean city.
The A-List
The A-List is a reality television series featuring countdowns of the wildest creatures of the animal kingdom. Every episode classifies animals into categories for which they are known best. It is currently being shown on Animal Planet.
A Secret Handshake
Jacob is an ordinary man living an ordinary life with his beautiful wife, until the day he wakes up in an eerie hotel room to find himself being brutally tortured by a mysterious woman. He succumbs to the unbearable pain and loses consciousness; only to awake safely back in his own home the next morning to discover that he has been missing for days. At first, Jacob believes his experience was just
A Deeper Love
The intense love affair between Gina (Chyna Layne) and Kevin (Rayan Lawrence) faces an unexpected challenge when a stranger strolls into Gina's life, and forces her to make a decision that could alter the course of her entire life.
A Stray Girlfriend
A romantic holiday has left Inés all alone. She's not at all happy about it.
A Mob Story
From singer to TV actor, and then film actor (Heavenly Mission, Wo Hu) Julian Cheung Chi Lam now stars as a merciless assassin nicknamed Seven. Commissioned to end the life of someone who killed his father twenty years ago, he does not even has in his mind the word “revenge”, for he knows too well that the distinction between right and wrong simply does not exist in the underworld. Failing his mission, he flees to Taiwan to meet a childhood friend, and there he encounters a betelnut girl. He also knows too well that he cannot escape from his unfinished task forever…
Racism: A History
Racism: A History is a three-part British documentary series originally broadcast on BBC Four in March 2007. It was part of the season of programmes broadcast on the BBC marking the 200th anniversary of the Slave Trade Act 1807, a landmark piece of legislation which abolished the slave trade in the British Empire. The series explores the impact of racism on a global scale and chronicles the shifts in the perception of race and the history of racism in Europe, the Americas, Australia and Asia. The series was narrated by Sophie Okonedo.
A Good Year
Failed London banker Max Skinner inherits his uncle's vineyard in Provence, where he spent many childhood holidays. Upon his arrival, he meets a woman from California who tells Max she is his long-lost cousin and that the property is hers.
A Farewell Song
A sudden tragedy compels a group of retired musicians to reflect on their shared past – five decades of remarkable music that has kept them going through hardship and upheaval.
Horthy, a kormányzó
Koltay Gábor: Horthy- A kormányzó című dokumentumfilmje sokáig titokban tartott érzéseket és gondolatokat tesz közkinccsé, cáfolja a generációk egész sorába sulykolt tévhiteket, szándékos hazugságokat. A huszadik század legutolsó rendszerváltása óta eltelt több mint másfél évtized is mintha konzerválná azt a szellemi zavarodottságot, amelynek következtében a nemzet nehezen tud újjászerveződni, hiszen csak a múltját ismerő, öntudatos, szilárd erkölcsiségű közösség képes érdekeit érvényesíteni és egyenrangú partnerként részt venni a világpolitikai folyamatokban.
Through a Fisheye
Fred Manfrey is wandering through life blissfully unaware that he is being guided by a higher power. Playing off the infamous 2002 Enron scandal, Enrob Inc., is the back drop for this comedic war of good versus evil.
A Scanner Darkly
An undercover cop in a not-too-distant future becomes involved with a dangerous new drug and begins to lose his own identity as a result.