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A Cette Minute
A study of city life.
A Chinese Ghost
In some village near Sachonsong in China, whenever crows caw at night, a village girl dies. When Ki Seok-Bok's daughter Yi-Hwa died, too, Seok-Bok's son-in-law Jin-Rang keeps watch on his sister-in-law Yeon-Hwa. The crow ghost avoids fight with Jin-Rang, leaving behind a bamboo pipe. As Jin-Rang's wife dies, the crow ghost gets incarnated in her. The crow ghost wanted to kill Ki Seok-Bok and his family because he killed Joo and her daughter Bu-Yong who got engaged with Jin-Rang at that time, in order to marry Jin-Rang to his daughter. The ghost mother and daughter tell the truth about their death to Jin-Rang and leaves after killing Seok-Bok.
A Woman's Place
A Woman's Place is the first film about the UK women's liberation movement. Crockford and her co-producers Ellen Adams and Tony Wickert document the movement's first national conference and march and examine its demands. The film records impassioned discussions and speeches, as well as the humour of the marchers. It also includes interviews with members of the public who give their perspective on women's liberation Crockford made the film as an attempt to see 'whether other people could be engaged by what I believed in'.
A Safe Place
Noah, a young woman who lives alone in New York, is dating two very different men, Fred and Mitch, at the same time. However, she realises that neither man can totally fulfil her needs.
Once a Year
A young hapless couple's devotion for each other is tested through harsh times of war as they are forced to negate patriotism and dependability to their families and nations, for a length of a lifetime before during and after the war.
A Gas Film
The film, which is about the Stockholm gasworks staying mostly at work on the so-called. chamber furnaces, where the gas is extracted from coal. It depicts both the process and some of the workers, who talk about how it is to work in the heat and dirt on the chamber ceiling. The extraction process as depicted in the film is abandoned since 1972
Biladi, a revolution
Jordan 1970: Like a political tract, the film exalts the Palestinian revolution through the role of the combattants, women, workers and children. Revolutionary songs and poems punctuate the people's struggle for liberation. This film defends a cause that was very little supported at that time. 'Biladi, une révolution' is one of the very first (if not the first) films on the issue.
A Lovely Parade
Life in a small town, sunk in boredom and lack of excitement where dogcatcher is very important person.
A poor Onassis
A poor accountant, but with the enigmatic name Agisilaos Onassis (Kostas Voutsas), who dreams of a great life, suddenly learns that he only has a month left to live. He abandons everything and, with the savings he has on his side, is leaving on an island to spend this last month of his life as rich.